Browsing All posts tagged under »white supremacy«

“Black” Lives Will Not Matter Until…

September 5, 2015


“Black Lives Matter!” As this phrase dominates the American media, it is the cry of the heart of so many that “black” lives do not seem to matter to those in authority.  Marches and protests continue with strong demands for justice, which is embodied in the caption of the 10th anniversary of the Million Man […]

The Root Of Our Modern-Day Problems

July 15, 2015


“Black Lives Matter!” “Hands Up Don’t Shoot!” “No Justice, No Peace!” In today’s world, we hear the cry of the hearts of our so-called African-American brothers and sisters.  Following of the lead of our so-called leaders, we have learned over the past half-century that we must let our voices be heard if we are going […]

The Children Of The Captivity

April 28, 2013


When discussing the diaspora, or dispersion of the children of Yashar’al/”Israel” worldwide, we must be careful in the terminology that we employ.  The popular terminology coined by the churches, the synagogues, and the media is the “scattered seed of Israel”.  The aim of this writing is to demonstrate with scripture that this popular terminology is […]

Are The Celto-Saxon People The True Israelites? ( Part III )

October 30, 2012


Are the Celto-Saxon people the true Israelites?  This is the third and final post that will deal with this question at hand.  One may ask, Why are you even dealing with this?  Simple.  Many torah seeking believers in Yahusha either believe this teaching, or some variation thereof, and it is blinding their eyes to the […]

Are The Celto-Saxon People The True Israelites? ( Part II )

October 23, 2012


Are the Celto-Saxon people the true Israelites?  In our second post of this series, we will examine a second set of “proof texts” employed by many who claim that the Celto-Saxon people are the true Israelites.  Again, one of the reasons that we are bringing this forth is to shed some much needed scriptural light […]

Are The Celto-Saxon People The True Israelites? ( Part I )

September 24, 2012


Are the Celto-Saxon people the true Israelites?   If one does a Google search on Israelite identity, the majority of these  sites promote the idea that the Celto-Saxon people are the true children of Yisrael.  This movement comes under different titles such as “British Israelism”, “Brit-Am”, “Anglo-Israelism”, etc, however the belief system of these various […]

Aren’t You Just A “Black” Version Of British Israelism?

May 12, 2012


Aren’t you just a “black” version of British Israelism?  On the surface it would seem so, however, in this post, my aim is to point out the principal differences between what we believe and British Israelism.  The reason this is necessary is that many take offense to what we believe before even taking the time […]

Excuses That YOU Make For Not Believing Us.

March 25, 2012


This post was written to highlight the excuses that YOU make for not believing us.  The “YOU” here are those who are familiar with what we believe and teach, yet reject it.  If you are not familiar with what we believe and teach, or if you believe us, then the “YOU” does not refer to […]

Captivity, Oppression, Affliction, Scattering, & Enmity

March 9, 2012


Captivity, oppression, affliction, scattering, and enmity:  what do these conditions have to do with the children of Yisrael today?  According to the scriptures, these conditions describe the general, historic state of the children of Yisrael, even up to today.  I have included in this post a list of many of these scriptures.  I encourage all […]

Our Skin Was BLACK Like An Oven?

February 22, 2012


“Our skin was black like an oven because of the terrible famine” ( Lam. 5:10 ) This is a description of the condition experienced by the children of Yahudah ( Judah ) during the times of the Babylonian captivity.  It is indeed one the most controversial verses of scripture that deal with the physical appearance […]

Where Is It Written That The Israelites Would Lose Their Identity?

February 19, 2012


Lost identity.  Is this a scriptural fact, or a myth perpetuated by “black” and “white” wannabee Israelite groups?  This is a fair question which deserves a fair answer.  Let us start with common sense.  If all twelve tribes of Israel are identifiable today in their entirety, then where are they?  Why aren’t they counted in […]

Why Is Your Belief So Exclusive?

October 12, 2011


Why is your belief ( that you are the true children of Israel ) so exclusive?  In other words, Why not say that you all are the true children of Israel, but also the Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, and everyone else who makes a claim to Israelite heritage?  Why be so politically incorrect? I heard a Messianic Jewish brother address […]

5 Myths About “Black” Hebrews…

October 11, 2011


Our aim in this post is to dispell 5 common myths that people, especially brothers and sisters in Messiah of other nations, have about what we believe and teach.  Our hope is that we may all learn to prove all things and hold fast that which  is good rather than answering matters before we hear […]

Are “Black” People Cursed With The “Curse Of Ham”?

October 9, 2011


Are “black” people cursed with the “curse of Ham”?  While some of you may not be familiar with this question, believe it or not the supposed “curse of Ham” was used centuries of ago by some professing Christian theologians and Jewish rabbis in order to justify the atrocities of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Because Ham, the son of Noah, […]

Were Noah’s Three Sons Three Different Colors?

October 9, 2011


We’re Noah’s three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japeth, three different colors? Whenever the subject of skin color comes up in relation to the characters of the scriptures, many times questions such as this arise. In order to explain the variations in skin color among the nations of the world today, many have postulated that Noah’s […]

How Do You Know That You All Are Not Africans?

October 9, 2011


How do you know that you all are not Africans?  After all, didn’t you see “Roots”?  Don’t you believe Alex Haley’s historical findings?  It is questions like these that should cause us to dig deeper than what the media and our public schools have taught us.  Please allow me to share a link to a […]

Why Do You All Bring Up Slavery So Much?

October 8, 2011


Why bring up slavery so much?  What’s past is past, right?  Many people feel that way, however, we must bring the subject up because much of our present day miseries and troubles can be traced to the abuses of our slave ancestors.  Also, it is actually the uniqueness of our slavery experience that helps identify […]

Isn’t Being In The Messiah The Only Thing That Matters?

October 8, 2011


On the surface, that seems like an excellent question that should cast doubt upon any effort to determine the identity of the true children of Israel.  Upon closer examination, however, we find that this question, if not properly answered, could lead one to miss out on a very important part of the Father’s plan for […]

Isn’t This A Racist Teaching?

October 8, 2011


Is it racist to believe and teach that most of the so-called “blacks” of the Americas are the true children of Israel?  Many think so, however, we must follow the wisdom of the scriptures, which say that “he that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.“ ( Pr. […]

What Difference Does It Make?

October 8, 2011


What difference does it make who the true children of Israel are?  This is a fair question that deserves a fair answer.  Because this issue has caused much strife and division amongst truth seekers who are supposed to be brothers and sisters in the Messiah, some have come to the conclusion that the issue does […]